We support the maritime industry by providing experienced problem-solving skills with approaches suitable for marine environment system in the region.
We support the maritime industry by providing experienced problem-solving skills with approaches suitable for marine environment system in the region.
Flood and Tsunami Early Warning Systems with Machine Learning.
Check it out!
Flood and Tsunami Early Warning Systems with Machine Learning.
Check it out!
Your next move starts with better foresight.
Your next move starts with better foresight.
What could the impact be for Indonesia?Check it out!
What could the impact be for Indonesia?Check it out!
Metocean Specialist
PT Bhumi Warih Geohydromatics is an Indonesian based company specializing in meteorological and oceanographic (Metocean) Analysis for the South East Asia region. Our knowledge and experiences have been acquired from specialized services in the maritime industry since 2010. Strategically located in the heart of South East Asia, we possess local knowledge and access within the region.
Registered on
CIVD System: SPDA Number 73970/EMP/2024

Metocean Design Criteria (MODC)
Extreme Value Analysis. Numerical Simulation. Ocean, Climate and Weather Analysis

Marine Operation Decision Support System (MO-DSS)
Marine Sea State Prediction. Weather Forecast. Tow Route Forecast. Weather Window.

Extended Services (ES)
Our team can provide customized services tailored for your specific needs in maritime industry.